Descubra sua alma gêmea

Na Angiologia e Astrologia Dulce Maria, oferecemos serviços de limpeza espiritual e conexão com arcanjos para encontrar sua verdadeira alma gêmea e promover o bem em sua vida.

Three tarot cards are laid out on a dark surface alongside a bundle of white sage in a small dish. A white lit candle and several dried leaves are also present. The tarot cards depict various images including swords, birds, and a moonlit scene.
Three tarot cards are laid out on a dark surface alongside a bundle of white sage in a small dish. A white lit candle and several dried leaves are also present. The tarot cards depict various images including swords, birds, and a moonlit scene.



Transformação e amor

Espiritualidade pura

A experiência com a Dulce Maria foi transformadora. A limpeza espiritual trouxe paz e harmonia à minha vida. Recomendo seus trabalhos para o bem!

Maria Silva

An outdoor ritual setup on a rough surface with a dark stone object, surrounded by white flowers and bright orange marigolds. A small lit oil lamp sits nearby, and a splash of white liquid is visible. In the background, a red package and some debris are scattered.
An outdoor ritual setup on a rough surface with a dark stone object, surrounded by white flowers and bright orange marigolds. A small lit oil lamp sits nearby, and a splash of white liquid is visible. In the background, a red package and some debris are scattered.
